MI Business Services Limited

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Log in or register to receive support

Welcome to the support page for MI Business Services, where you can ask for support from one of our team. Whether it is for your website, emails, or problem with your current website hosting, our team will be able to help you when you create a support ticket.

Support can be provided as a package along with hosting or charged by the hour (currently £35 per hour). If you are looking for support for a website that we did not build and/or host we will firstly investigate your site and quote/advise accordingly before any work will be carried out. Initial investigations are provided free of charge but we will need access to the back end of the website and if possible the hosting provider.  

You are welcome to register an account to ask for help, even if you are not a current MI customer! We will be able to help you as soon as possible. To start, click on the button above that says “Register”. However, if you already have an account registered, please click on the button that says “Log in”.